Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Top 3 Reasons They Didnt Call You Back
Top 3 Reasons They Didnt Call You BackTop 3 Reasons They Didnt Call You BackINBOX Jewel, Ive applied to 295 opportunities in the last 3 months, and from that, had about 15 face-to-face interviews. These numbers are frustratingly low, and Im not sure what to do.Lack of response is the 1 complaint I hear from candidates, especially when youre applying for roles that you know perfectly well you can do. Your resume lines up practically perfectly with what the ad is calling for, you customized your cover letter (you did customize your cover letter, right? Ok, yes.), but yet and still, the silence is deafening. Here are the top 3 reasons they didnt call you back, and how to fix them1) Youre applying for entirely too many jobs.The candidate who inbox me bowled me over with the sheer numbers involved. 295 opportunities in 3 months? Translation 90 days? Thats roughly 3 jobs per day, every day. Thats too many bottom line.What those numbers tell me is theres not much in the way of rhyme or rea son to your job search approach. Old-school thinking says job search is a numbers game. But those are the wrong numbers. You cant apply for more, more, and more, and just see what happens.I know its counter-intuitive, but apply for fewer roles, and make sure those roles are focused on precisely what it is that you do. Anything beyond the scope of your core competency is a waste of time and thats just what the candidate who inboxed me is doing wasting his and everyone elses time.2) Your resume is substantially different from your LinkedIn profile.Understand this the decision maker who receives your resume will use LinkedIn to look you up before he uses the phone to call you up. And, what he finds on LinkedIn will determine whether he decides to call you.Understand something else you are but 1 human being. You have but 1 story. Your story need not be somehow magically different just because its on LinkedIn. Repetition between the resume and LinkedIn is okay, because when the employer or recruiter is viewing your zugreifbar profile, shes looking for confirmation of the information shes already received on your resume. Substantial differences just raise questions. And when questions are in the air, theres a much higher likelihood the person will not seek the answers. They will simply seek the next candidate.3) Your resume and LinkedIn say youre consulting.Consulting doing what? If your materials dont answer this question, then that period of time youre calling consulting looks like the period of unemployment that it probably is.Legitimate consulting means you have projects you are doing for clients. Those projects can be free or part-time, but they need to be in existence. If you cant say what your projects are and what types of clients youre serving, then youre not consulting.You can take steps to make sure your resume doesnt just get sucked into the black hole of the Internet. Stop throwing it up against the wall like spaghetti, just to see what sticks. Make su re your resume and LinkedIn are aligned. And delete the fake-ish material such as consulting. We are revealing advanced strategies to get your solid resume in front of employers and recruiters, in ways that will prompt them to actually respond, in our free online presentation, 3 Simple Steps To Cut Your Job Search Time In HALF Make sure to register today.
Friday, November 22, 2019
6 toxic relationships you should avoid like the plague
6 toxic relationships you should avoid like the plague6 toxic relationships you should avoid like the plagueMost everyone has experienced a relationship that turned toxic. If you have, you know theyre a major drain on your energy, productivity, and happiness.In a new study from Georgetown University, 98% of people reported experiencing toxic behavior at work.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreThe study found that toxic relationships negatively influence employees and their organizations in nine notable ways80% schwefelyperit work time worrying about the incidents.78% said that their commitment to the organization declined.66% said that their performance declined.63% lost work time avoiding the offender.47% intentionally decreased the time spent at work.38% intentionally decreased the quality of their work.25% admitted to taking their frustration out on customers.12% said that they left their job because of it.48% intentionally decreased their work effort.While the turnover from toxic relationships is costly, the real cost is the lost productivity and emotional distress experienced by people who are stuck in these relationships.We may not be able to control the toxicity of other people, but we can control how we respond to them, and this has the power to alter the course of a relationship. Before a toxic relationship can be neutralized, you must intimately understand whats making it toxic in the first place. Toxic relationships develop when one persons needs are no longer met or someone or something is interfering with the ability to maintain a healthy and productive relationship.Recognizing and understanding toxicity enables you to develop effective strategies to thwart future toxic interactions. What follows are the fruchtwein common types of toxic relationships and strategies to help you overcome them.Relationships that are passive aggressiveThis type takes many forms in the workplace, from the manager who gives you the cold shoulder to the colleague who ccs e-mails to your boss. One of the most common forms of passive aggression is a drastic reduction of effort. Passive aggressive types have great difficulty receiving feedback, and this can lead them to leave work early or not to work as hard. Passive aggression is deadly in the workplace, where opinions and feelings need to be placed on the table in order for progredienz to continue.When you find someone behaving passive aggressively toward you, you need to take it upon yourself to communicate the problem. Passive aggressive types typically act the way they do because theyre trying to avoid the issue at hand. If you cant bring yourself to open up a line of communication, you may find yourself joining in the mind games. Just remember, passive aggressive types tend to be sensitive and to avoid conflict, so when you do bring something up, make sure to do so as constructively and harmon iously as possible.Relationships that lack forgiveness and trustIts inevitable that youre going to make mistakes at work. Some people get so fixated on other peoples mistakes that it seems as if they believe they dont make mistakes themselves. Youll find that these people hold grudges, are constantly afraid that other people are going to do them harm, and may even begin nudging you out of important projects. If youre not careful, this can stifle upward career movement by removing important opportunities for growth.The frustrating thing about this type of relationship is that it takes one mistake to lose hundreds of trust points but hundreds of perfect actions to get one trust point back. To win back their trust, its crucial that you pay extra-close attention to detail and that youre not frazzled by the fact that they will constantly be looking for mistakes. You have to use every ounce of patience while you dig yourself out of the subjective hole youre in. Remember, Rome wasnt built in a day.Relationships that are one-sidedRelationships are supposed to be mutually beneficial. They have a natural give and take. In the workplace, this applies to relationships with people who report to you (they should be getting things done for you and you should be teaching them) as well as with people you report to (you should be learning from them, but also contributing). These relationships grow toxic when one person begins to give a disproportionate amount, or one person only wants to take. It could be a manager who has to guide an employee through every excruciating detail, or a colleague who finds herself doing all the work.If possible, the best thing to do with this type is to stop giving. Unfortunately this isnt always possible. When it isnt, you need to have a frank conversation with the other fete in order to recalibrate the relationship.Relationships that are idealisticIdealistic relationships are those where we begin to hold people in too high a regard. When you thin k your colleague walks on water, the relationship becomes toxic because you dont have the boundaries you need in a healthy working relationship. For instance, you might overlook a mistake that needs attention, or do work that violates your moral compass because you assume your colleague is in the right.This loss of boundaries is extremely toxic to you, and you have the power to set the relationship straight. No matter how close you may be with someone, or how great you think her work may be, you need to remain objective. If youre the one people are idealizing, you need to speak up and insist that they treat you the saatkorn way they treat everyone else.Relationships that are punitivePunitive relationships are those where one person punishes the other for behavior that doesnt align directly with their expectations. The major issue with punitive types is that their instinct is to punish, without adequate communication, feedback, and understanding. This belittling approach creates conf lict and bad feelings.To survive a punitive type, you must choose your battles wisely. Your voice wont be heard if you dive right in to every conflict. Theyll just label you as someone who is too sensitive.Relationships built on liesThese types get so caught up in looking good that they lose track of whats fact and whats fiction. Then the lies pile up until theyre the foundation of the relationship. People who wont give you straight answers dont deserve your trust. After all, if theyre willing to lie to you, how can you ever really depend on them?When you remove trust from any relationship, you dont have a relationship at all. Building a relationship on lies is no different than building a house on a pile of sand. The best thing you can do is to count your losses and move on.How to protect yourself from a toxic personToxic people drive you crazy because their behavior is so irrational. Make no mistake about it- their behavior truly goes against reason, so why do you allow yourself t o respond to them emotionally and get sucked into the mix?The ability to manage your emotions and remain calm under pressure has a direct link to your performance. TalentSmart has conducted research with more than a million people, and weve found that 90% of top performers are skilled at managing their emotions in times of stress in order to remain calm and in control. One of their greatest gifts is the ability to identify toxic people and keep them at bay.The more irrational and off-base someone is, the easier it should be for you to remove yourself from their traps. Quit trying to beat them at their own game. Distance yourself from them emotionally, and approach your interactions with them like theyre a science project (or youre their shrink if you prefer that analogy). You dont need to respond to the emotional chaos- only the facts.Maintaining an emotional distance requires awareness. You cant stop someone from pushing your buttons if you dont recognize when its happening. Someti mes youll find yourself in situations where youll need to regroup and choose the best way forward. This is fine, and you shouldnt be afraid to buy yourself some time to do so.Most people feel as though because they work or live with someone, they have no way to control the chaos. This couldnt be further from the truth. Once youve identified a toxic person, youll begin to find their behavior more predictable and easier to understand. This will equip you to think rationally about when and where you have to put up with them and when and where you dont. You can establish boundaries, but youll have to do so consciously and proactively. If you let things happen naturally, youre bound to find yourself constantly embroiled in difficult conversations. If you set boundaries and decide when and where youll engage a difficult person, you can control much of the chaos. The only trick is to stick to your guns and keep boundaries in place when the person tries to cross them, which they will.Bringi ng it all togetherThere are many different types of toxic relationships in the workplace. When you find yourself embroiled in one, its worth the effort to evaluate things carefully and develop a course of action that will save your sanity and better your career.This article first appeared on LinkedIn.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will ersatzdarsteller your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people6 toxic relationships you should avoid like the plagueMost everyone has experienced a relationship that turned toxic. If you have, you know theyre a major drain on your energy, productivity, and happiness.In a new study from Georgetown University, 98% of people reported experiencing toxic behavior at work. The study found that toxic relat ionships negatively influence employees and their organizations in nine notable ways80% lost work time worrying about the incidents.78% said that their commitment to the organization declined.66% said that their performance declined.63% lost work time avoiding the offender.47% intentionally decreased the time spent at work.38% intentionally decreased the quality of their work.25% admitted to taking their frustration out on customers.12% said that they left their job because of it.48% intentionally decreased their work effort.While the turnover from toxic relationships is costly, the real cost is the lost productivity and emotional distress experienced by people who are stuck in these relationships.We may not be able to control the toxicity of other people, but we can control how we respond to them, and this has the power to alter the course of a relationship. Before a toxic relationship can be neutralized, you must intimately understand whats making it toxic in the first place. Toxi c relationships develop when one persons needs are no longer met or someone or something is interfering with the ability to maintain a healthy and productive relationship.Recognizing and understanding toxicity enables you to develop effective strategies to thwart future toxic interactions. What follows are the most common types of toxic relationships and strategies to help you overcome them.Relationships that are passive aggressiveThis type takes many forms in the workplace, from the manager who gives you the cold shoulder to the colleague who ccs e-mails to your boss. One of the most common forms of passive aggression is a drastic reduction of effort. Passive aggressive types have great difficulty receiving feedback, and this can lead them to leave work early or not to work as hard. Passive aggression is deadly in the workplace, where opinions and feelings need to be placed on the table in order for progress to continue.When you find someone behaving passive aggressively toward you , you need to take it upon yourself to communicate the problem. Passive aggressive types typically act the way they do because theyre trying to avoid the issue at hand. If you cant bring yourself to open up a line of communication, you may find yourself joining in the mind games. Just remember, passive aggressive types tend to be sensitive and to avoid conflict, so when you do bring something up, make sure to do so as constructively and harmoniously as possible.Relationships that lack forgiveness and trustIts inevitable that youre going to make mistakes at work. Some people get so fixated on other peoples mistakes that it seems as if they believe they dont make mistakes themselves. Youll find that these people hold grudges, are constantly afraid that other people are going to do them harm, and may even begin nudging you out of important projects. If youre not careful, this can stifle upward career movement by removing important opportunities for growth.The frustrating thing about th is type of relationship is that it takes one mistake to lose hundreds of trust points but hundreds of perfect actions to get one trust point back. To win back their trust, its crucial that you pay extra-close attention to detail and that youre not frazzled by the fact that they will constantly be looking for mistakes. You have to use every ounce of patience while you dig yourself out of the subjective hole youre in. Remember, Rome wasnt built in a day.Relationships that are one-sidedRelationships are supposed to be mutually beneficial. They have a natural give and take. In the workplace, this applies to relationships with people who report to you (they should be getting things done for you and you should be teaching them) as well as with people you report to (you should be learning from them, but also contributing). These relationships grow toxic when one person begins to give a disproportionate amount, or one person only wants to take. It could be a manager who has to guide an empl oyee through every excruciating detail, or a colleague who finds herself doing all the work.If possible, the best thing to do with this type is to stop giving. Unfortunately this isnt always possible. When it isnt, you need to have a frank conversation with the other party in order to recalibrate the relationship.Relationships that are idealisticIdealistic relationships are those where we begin to hold people in too high a regard. When you think your colleague walks on water, the relationship becomes toxic because you dont have the boundaries you need in a healthy working relationship. For instance, you might overlook a mistake that needs attention, or do work that violates your moral compass because you assume your colleague is in the right.This loss of boundaries is extremely toxic to you, and you have the power to set the relationship straight. No matter how close you may be with someone, or how great you think her work may be, you need to remain objective. If youre the one peopl e are idealizing, you need to speak up and insist that they treat you the same way they treat everyone else.Relationships that are punitivePunitive relationships are those where one person punishes the other for behavior that doesnt align directly with their expectations. The major issue with punitive types is that their instinct is to punish, without adequate communication, feedback, and understanding. This belittling approach creates conflict and bad feelings.To survive a punitive type, you must choose your battles wisely. Your voice wont be heard if you dive right in to every conflict. Theyll just label you as someone who is too sensitive.Relationships built on liesThese types get so caught up in looking good that they lose track of whats fact and whats fiction. Then the lies pile up until theyre the foundation of the relationship. People who wont give you straight answers dont deserve your trust. After all, if theyre willing to lie to you, how can you ever really depend on them? When you remove trust from any relationship, you dont have a relationship at all. Building a relationship on lies is no different than building a house on a pile of sand. The best thing you can do is to count your losses and move on.How to protect yourself from a toxic personToxic people drive you crazy because their behavior is so irrational. Make no mistake about it- their behavior truly goes against reason, so why do you allow yourself to respond to them emotionally and get sucked into the mix?The ability to manage your emotions and remain calm under pressure has a direct link to your performance. TalentSmart has conducted research with more than a million people, and weve found that 90% of top performers are skilled at managing their emotions in times of stress in order to remain calm and in control. One of their greatest gifts is the ability to identify toxic people and keep them at bay.The more irrational and off-base someone is, the easier it should be for you to remove yours elf from their traps. Quit trying to beat them at their own game. Distance yourself from them emotionally, and approach your interactions with them like theyre a science project (or youre their shrink if you prefer that analogy). You dont need to respond to the emotional chaos- only the facts.Maintaining an emotional distance requires awareness. You cant stop someone from pushing your buttons if you dont recognize when its happening. Sometimes youll find yourself in situations where youll need to regroup and choose the best way forward. This is fine, and you shouldnt be afraid to buy yourself some time to do so.Most people feel as though because they work or live with someone, they have no way to control the chaos. This couldnt be further from the truth. Once youve identified a toxic person, youll begin to find their behavior more predictable and easier to understand. This will equip you to think rationally about when and where you have to put up with them and when and where you don t. You can establish boundaries, but youll have to do so consciously and proactively. If you let things happen naturally, youre bound to find yourself constantly embroiled in difficult conversations. If you set boundaries and decide when and where youll engage a difficult person, you can control much of the chaos. The only trick is to stick to your guns and keep boundaries in place when the person tries to cross them, which they will.Bringing it all togetherThere are many different types of toxic relationships in the workplace. When you find yourself embroiled in one, its worth the effort to evaluate things carefully and develop a course of action that will save your sanity and better your career.This article first appeared on LinkedIn.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Drones Take Farming to a Whole New Level
Drones Take Farming to a Whole New Level Drones Take Farming to a Whole New Level Now that the Federal Aviation Administration has eased restrictions on the use of drones for commercial purposes, the agriculture industry is adopting new technology that can not only make modern agriculture in the U.S. mora efficient but can also help protect the environment.Today, drones play a key role in precision agriculture, also called site-specific farming, a technique involving crop surveillance and the use of cameras, GPS, sensors, special variable rate applicators, and analytics in crop management. Although the idea of using more technology in agriculture is not new, adoption has not happened as fast as expected. But times are changing, perhaps due to the loosening of restrictions on drones as part of a low-cost monitoring, measuring, and application system for fields and crops.Drones make life easier, says AbhijitNagchaudhuri, professor of engineering in the Department of Engineering Aviati on Sciences at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES), who spearheads precision agriculture there. You can program the drone to go to exact locations on the field where you want to send them.Schools of engineering and agriculture across the country, especially at land grant universities, have been collaborating for more than a century. Now more than ever, they are shaping the farming of the future. Engineers at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore handle drone for research. Image UMESFor more than a decade, engineering students at UMES have been working with various cameras and sensors on aircraft, both manned and unmanned, in search of more efficient farming methods. The work evolved from an earlier project partially funded by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center that involved putting cameras and transmitters on a tethered blimp for aerial imaging. Using an infrared camera system, the transmitted images show shoreline erosion, agricultural land use patterns, and environmen tal conditions such as algal blooms in nearby Chesapeake Bay.By the time the university received authorization from the FAA to use drones in 2014, students had outfitted everything from model airplanes to a Cessna 172 with cameras, sensors, and GPS systems that can perform a variety of activities. These include assessing crop health including identifying insect and disease problems and nutrient deficiencies sensing soil health, weed and crop status providing insight into yield estimates monitoring agricultural runoff and assisting in variable application of nutrients and pesticides.Precision agriculture has lots of aspects of finding out what would be the right input at the right time at the right place for crops to grow well, Nagchaudhuri says.By correlating the imagery with GPS, he and his students can pinpoint specifically what actions should be taken, precisely what amounts of each nutrient (or pesticide) should be placed where, even how densely seeds can be planted based on soi l health.Once we understand that there is a reading where the crop is not doing well, we can get a location from GPS and go there physically and take preventative action, he says. Without the aerial images and GPS capability, plants could be in much worse shape by the time problems are noticed and possibly too damaged to be saved. This allows farmers to anticipate what crops need ahead of time.As for nutrients, in the past farmers would take a few samples and apply nutrients uniformly across the field. With new technology, sampling is conducted at many points across a field to be able to respond to variability within a crop or field. If an area is stressed, we want to apply appropriate nutrients but not in excess. Nutrient management is very important on the eastern shore because the Chesapeake Bay is close by, and excess agricultural runoff can cause all kind of environmental problems, Nagchaudhuri says. This work is very important to the restoration of the health of Chesapeake Bay , he adds.Even though some equipment can start with off-the-shelf models, such as the drones, engineers are heavily involved at many touchpoints helping to integrate advanced engineering technologies into the process, including GPS receivers, GIS data bases, grid sampling/mapping techniques, yield monitors, variable-rate applicators and remote sensing imagery.For example, variable application of nutrients across a field requires special equipment attached to the applicator, whether ground-based or aerial, and connected to GPS and computer equipment. Sensors are integrated into harvesters and work with GPS to determine how much harvest is coming from specific locations. UMES is also hoping to start getting more into irrigation management with thermal cameras if funding is approved. Already, there is work being done to measure environmental runoff in nearby waterways with especially developed autonomous water vehicles.Farmers traditionally performed tasks according to daily and weekly calendars. Today, with real-time data on field, crop, and weather variables, they have come a long way from relying on the Farmers Almanac.Nancy S. Giges is an independent writer. For Further Discussion Drones make life easier. You can program the drone to go to exact locations on the field where you want to send them.Prof. Abhijit Nagchaudhuri, University of Maryland Eastern Shore
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